Feature Flags for Java

Using Floodgates feature flags for Java SDK is the easiest way to add feature flags into your Java applications.

Floodgates SDK for Java provides a secure, robust and scaleable feature flag framework for Java straight out-of-the-box.

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Why use Floodgate for Java

Floodgate bring the power of feature flag development to your Java applications and websites in a matter of minutes. It provides your team with a safe way to rollout new features to your customers by giving them complete control control of when and by who new features will be seen.

Feature flag development is a powerful way to not only decrease deployment risk but also increase efficiency in your development process.

By using feature flags in your Java applications you and your team can:

Deploy Code Safely

Deploy your code to production with the feature hidden by default. This means you can deploy your code without it affecting your running application.

Target Users

Show features to only certain users. For example you can target your QA team to test a feature in production first before your customers see it – ensuring everything is working correctly.

Canary Release

Rollout features slowly over time to a percentage of your customers. Gone are the days of the Big Bang rollout where a feature is either on or off. Now you can slowly roll out a new feature and monitor it’s performance.

Application Protection

Kill a feature which is misbehaving! In the event of a new feature not working correctly once deployed, you can simply turn it off. No need to perform any expensive or dangerous roll-back or hot-fix to your production environment.

Floodgate supports multiple languages allowing developers, product managers and support teams to easily manage feature rollouts from a single dashboard.

Getting Started with Floodgate for Java

Floodgate provides a simple to use SDK for Java allowing your to easily integrate feature flags into your Java code base – all our SDKs are open source.

You can learn more about feature flags from our About Feature Flags and from our Getting Started Guide and Java SDK documentation.

Built on Unicorn Platform